The Wedding of

Fanny & Sondi

Minggu, 21 Mei 2023

Kepada Yth:

The Wedding of

Fanny & Sondi

Menuju Hari Bahagia:

  • 00Hari
  • 00Jam
  • 00Menit
  • 00Detik

F & S

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir."

QS. Ar-Rum : 21

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

Maha Suci Allah yang telah menciptakan makhluk-Nya berpasang-pasangan. Ya Allah semoga ridho-Mu tercurah mengiringi pernikahan kami:


Fanny Danisyah

Putri dari Bapak Darma Syahputra
& Ibu Sri Murni

- & -


Sondi Yusuf Silalahi

Putra dari Bapak Abdul Rosidin Silalahi
& Ibu Erni Megawati Rambe



Dengan memohon rahmat dan ridho Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, untuk menghadiri acara pernikahan kami:

Wedding Event


Minggu, 21 Mei 2023

08.30 WIB s.d 11.00 WIB

Kembar Cafe & Venue
Jl. Sakti Lubis No 40, Kel. Sitirejo II, Kec. Medan Amplas, Kota Medan


Minggu, 21 Mei 2023

12.00 WIB s.d 16.00 WIB

Kembar Cafe & Venue
Jl. Sakti Lubis No 40, Kel. Sitirejo II, Kec. Medan Amplas, Kota Medan

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Kami akan sangat senang jika anda mengabadikan momen berbahagia ini. Jangan lupa pakai filternya dan tag akun @fanndns & @fusuyidnos

Our Unexpected


"Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan agar kamu mengingat (kebesaran Allah)."

- QS. Az-Zariyat : 49 -

Unexpected Hello

It was late afternoon, the first time we met.
A quick hello that lead to poems and conversations.
"When we see each other again?"
Fleeting thoughts come up to mind.
Should we find each other to see how destiny leads us?
Let's just see if two line meet by destiny, as well as the ocean.

Unexpected Truth

In the midnight time, most of truth are spoken.
An empty silence, an unexpected confession, an invisible thread connection.
Silent isn't empty, it's full of answer.
We fall, we dive, we hold each other.
How should be the best way to tell you this is real.
And she is just the way she is.
Beauty in mind, invading mine.
I rock the world telling she is great
And I am just the way I am.
Love the invasion, craving the sharp presence.

Unexpected Journey

Thicker line, further distance, but we believe, we are so close, we are doing the right tight.
Wise man says "Be careful with what you wish for".
That wise man is right.
After long night, after many wishes, hope and deep pray; after all, beautiful dream...
We never thought after that late afternoon, we are going to call each other when the sun rise until the sun sets.
Every single day. Until today. Until forever.


Ucapan Selamat & Do'a


For Bride & Groom

Bagi Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah pernikahan dapat melalui:

Bank Mandiri
No. Rekening 1060013228468
a.n Fanny Danisyah

Copy Nomor Rekening

Bank BNI
No. Rekening 1185514075
a.n Sondi Yusuf Silalahi

E - Wallet DANA & OVO
No. DANA/OVO 081234555117
a.n Sondi Yusuf Silalahi


Protokol Kesehatan

Menggunakan Masker

Mencuci Tangan

Menggunakan Hand Sanitizer

Menjaga Jarak

Terima Kasih

Kami Yang Berbahagia,

Kedua Mempelai & Keluarga Besar

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